84 research outputs found

    Perancangan Sistem Penjualan di Cafe Dapur Karang dengan Menggunakan Visual Studio 2008

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    Dengan adanya perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi khususnyadalam bidang Teknologi Informasi, Teknologi Informasi mempunyai pengaruhyang sangat besar bagi kelangsungan hidup suatu bidang USAha. Komputerisasisangatlah diperlukan di segala bidang, baik di bidang pekerjaan maupunpendidikan. Dapur Karang adalah sebuah bidang USAha yang bergerak dibidangkuliner yang proses pencatatan transaksi, rekapitulasi penjualan, atau persediaanbarang dan semua transaksi penjualan masih dilakukan dan dicatat secaramanual. Melihat akan kendala-kendala yang terjadi pada Dapur Karang, makaperlu dilakukan Perubahan. Penulis mengambil keputusan untuk membuat suatupenelitian yang akan penulis tuangkan dengan judul Perancangan SistemPenjualan Cafe Dapur Karang dengan Menggunakan Visual Studio 200

    Analisis Pengaruh Mata Kuliah Entrepreneurship terhadap Minat Mahasiswa dalam Berwirausaha (Studi Kasus: Amik “Bsi Pontianak

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of Entrepreneurship courses in the interest of students to Entrepreneurship in the AMIK “BSI Pontianak”. This research background of curiosity towards the course Entrepreneurship extent been able to influence and motivate students to develop business and have a high interest towards Entrepreneurship. The method used is the method of survey and data collection tool using a questionnaire. The number of population in the set of 100 respondents. The results of this study indicate that subjects generally entrepreneursip to increase student interest in Entrepreneurship, provide insight and an overview of the business opportunity as well as theories that equip students to compete in the business world later

    Metode Dongeng dalam Meningkatkan Perkembangan Kecerdasan Moral Anak Usia Prasekolah

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    The research aims to know the storytelling method in increasing the development of moral intelligence of preschool children. Subject of the research is the five year students of kindergarten. The research is designed using model of The Untreated Control Group Design with Pretest and Posttest. This design uses two groups examined which consist of an experiment group and a control group. The measurement is conducted twice using moral intelligence measurement instrument, namely before it is given treatment (pre-test) and after it has been given treatment (post-test). The result of analysis using covariance analysis (anacova) shows that there is difference of moral intelligence achievement level of the preschool children between those who received moral value guidance using storytelling method and those who do not receive it. The result of analysis also shows that there is difference of moral intelligence achievement level before they receive moral value guidance through storytelling method and after the have received it. The importance of storytelling method toward the moral intelligence of preschool children is 34 %

    Gambaran Penggunaan Analgetik pada Pasien Rawatan Intensif di RSUD Arifin Achmad Provinsi Riau Periode Januari-desember 2015

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    Patients in the ICU generally experience pain complaints due to various conditions, diseases and various medical actions obtained. Pharmacological therapy given to patients with pain complaints in the ICU is analgetic. The purpose of this study was to find out how the description of the use of analgetic for patients in ICU RSUD Arifin Achmad in the period of January-December 2015. This study was a retrospective descriptive study using secondary data from medical records. There were 151 samples. Characteristics of patients treated in the ICU showed that the number of female patients was higher than male patients (52.3%). The largest age group admitted to the ICU was 46-55 years (22.5%). The most widely used financing status is JKN (67.5%). The most diagnosis in patient in ICU is postoperative (61.59%). Percentage of analgetic USAge was 72,85%. The most common analgetic groups were NSAIDs (61.54%), which are paracetamol (26.92%), and ketorolac (24.36%). Patients in ICU was given the therapeutic dose (100%). The highest degree of pain in patients in ICU was moderate pain (64.47%).

    Hubungan antara Dukungan Sosial dengan Penyesuaian Diri Remaja di Panti Asuhan

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate empirically the relationshipbetween social support with adjustment in adolescents in an orphanage. The subjects of this study are adolescents between the ages of 13 to 18 years in the Orphanage Darul Hadlonah Kudus. Method sampling using Quota Non Random Sampling.Measuring tool used is the scale of social support have been prepared on aspects raised by Sarafino in Oktavia, L (2002, p.17-18) which includesemotional support, support award, instrumental support, and support information. While the adjustment scale of self-prepared on aspects raised by Pramadi (1996, h.240) which covers aspects of Self Knowledge and Self Insight, aspect Objectifity Self Acceptance and Self, the aspect of Self Development and Self Control, Satisfaction aspect.Based on the analysis of research data with Product Moment by SPSS15.0 for Windows obtained from both the correlation coefficient rxy amounted to 0.339 with p of 0.011 (p <0.05) this means the hypothesis is accepted and showed relationship between social support with adolescent adjustment in an orphanage

    Recognition of Eye Characteristics

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    Children grow and develop in a life colored by the violation of others right, crime, compulsion, ignorance, unclearness between right and wrong, good and bad, allowed and not allowed behaviors. Building moral intelligence is very important to do in order that the childrens intuition is able to differentiate the right and the wrong. Thus, they can reject the bad influences from outside. One of the ways used to give moral value to the children is sociodrama.The research aims to know the sociodrama method in improving the moral intelligence of children. Subject of the research is the student of elementary school. The number of subject in the experiment and control groups is same that is 14 students.The research is design using model of The Untreated Control Group Design with Pretest and Posttest. The design uses two groups examined which consist of an experiment group and a control group. The measurement is conducted twice using moral intelligence measurement instrument, namely before it is given treatment (pre-test) and after it has been given treatment (post-test).The result of analysis using T-Test shows that there is a difference of moral intelligence achievement level of the children between those who receive moral value guidance through sociodrama method and those who do not receive moral value guidance through sociodrama method p = 0,009 (p<0,05). The result of analysis also shows that there is difference of moral intelligence achievement level of th children before receiving moral value guidance through sociodrama method and after they have receive the moral value guidance through sociodrama method p = 0,033 (p<0,05). The result of analysis shows the great contribution of sociodrama method towards the moral intelligence of children is 30,9%

    Model Konseptual Pengembangan Efikasi Mengajar Calon Guru Jurusan Pendidikan Ekonomi

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    Tujuan penelitian ini menjelaskan pengaruh (1) persiapan program pembelajaran; (2) sikap terhadap profesi guru; dan (3) pengalaman mengajar terhadap efikasi mengajar. Populasi penelitian adalah semua mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Ekonomi yang melakukan micro teaching. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik proportionate random sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persiapan program pembelajaran, sikap terhadap profesi guru, pengalaman mengajar, dan efikasi mengajar baik. Terdapat pengaruh positif persiapan program pembelajaran terhadap efikasi mengajar secara langsung maupun tidak langsung melalui pengalaman mengajar. Terdapat pengaruh positif persiapan program pembelajaran terhadap efikasi mengajar melalui sikap profesi guru, dan terdapat pengaruh yang positif sikap profesi guru terhadap efikasi mengajar baik langsung maupun melalui pengalaman mengaja

    Analisis Logam Pb pada Sedimen dan Air Laut di Kawasan Pelabuhan Nelayan Gampong Deah Glumpang Kota Banda Aceh

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    Fishing port of Deah Glumpang is crowded with several activities and potencially be contaminated by heavy metal such lead (Pb). The objective of this study was to evaluate the lead content in sea water and sediment in this area. The research was conducted at fishing port of Deah Glumpang, Banda Aceh on October 2016. Samples were analyzed at Laboratory of BARISTAND. Samples of sea water and sediment were collected from four Stations using purpossive sampling method. Leads content in sediment from three Stations were identified still under threshold based on the standart quality of Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA). The highest value of lead was obtained at Station II (15,41 mg/kg). While, leads content in sea water from Station II, III and IV were identified passed the threshold based on the standart quality for port waters of the Environment Ministry in 2004. The highest lead content was obtained at Station III (2,37 mg/l)